
well , want to know me?

My photo
Hye.... I'm quite blur person, i create this blog just for fun, and sharing some information that i know in this world or something from the outside of our world, Don't ever comment a sensitive issues on my blog, my blog are only for open minded person that can accept the truth hahaha.. And I'll not post a constant post.. what i mean is i will not post about that one thing for the rest of this blog life.. hehe..

When I'm On d net


Check This Out!!

Thursday 28 February 2013

Video Anjing.....

kli ne.. aku nk shre stu video, yg bolh thn ler.... lme jgak x updte vdeo haiwan ne.. heee...
ne dya
 anjing yg ckp I LOVE YOU

 video ne dg agak lme lha jgak tp bru skrg sempt shre.. heee... kt ctu ade channel dya.. sal anjing ne jgak tp buat bnde len... hope njoy.. n jgn trtekan.,.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Lagu Untuk ..... Study kowt??

eeellllooooww.. kli ne aku nk kongsi sal lagu2 yg aku salu dgr tyme study .. hee..
tp ne lgu aku arr.. jgn nk ekowt sgt.. tp klw nk cuba.. bolh

ne dya TOP 10

 Time Of Dying
Three Days Grace


Give Me A Sign
Breaking Benjamin




C'mon Let Me Ride
Skylar Grey Ft Eminem


Sell Your Soul
Hollywood Undead


Believe Me
Fort Minor




Waiting For The End
Linkin Park


Blue Stahli

n yg plg bez.. ne dya

nyan cat

Thursday 14 February 2013

what the fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bnoh dri!!!!

bukn nk ckp ape tp.. ckup kcwa dgr kez ne..
kez bnoh dri kt ts... ergh..
gadoh an bf... g bnoh dri...
x pk pnjg ker???
cian jgak dgr ksh ne.. mcm mne ngn fmly dye nty..
ntah ape yg akn trjd an laki tuh.. trauma ker ape.. tp tndakan tuh.. mmg sggh x baek..
(ayt pn dh spoil)

nk gmbr ne dye

n ne dye jgak

eisyh.. bnde stkt brgaduh dgn bf nk g bnoh dri
plz lha... bnde bolh bncg.. sngguh mnyedihkan masyarakat skrg
trpengaroh dgn dunia brt..
ckit2 bnoh dri... ergh

Only In Malaysia

Wednesday 13 February 2013

ucapan istimewa tapi kurang panjang

post kali ni istimewa di tjukan buat seseorang yang boleh d katakan istimewa jgak ..
seseorang yang aku kenal pd thun 2007.. & dya sorang perempuan.. tp bukn kekasih...
cuma  insan yg bglar sahabat.. & aku anggap drinya  sbg adik sendiri... sbb sejak dr mula aku kenal dri nya... dya bnyk mmbntu.. x kra apa mslh aku... tp kmi saling brjauhan .. lbh kurg 400 km....
haha..  sje nk menmbh cerita....  xboleh bgtw nme.. haha
& semalm (13/2) hri jd dye... .. jd  nk ucapkan
x bnyk  nk post pun.. sje..
tp dye sorg yg ckup istimewa... hee. salu klw ade kwn yg jaoh ne.. msti akn 'lost contact' tp kmi x.. mcm2 mslh kmi hdpi, mcm2 slh fhm yg trjd.. tp prsahabatn kmi ttp tguh..
klw gaduh.. mmg ada.. bysalha slh fhm bnyk
tp xdpt nk ckp ape... dye slh sorg shbt yg aku mseh dpt hbgi.. & slh sorg shbt yg aku bolh kongsi mslh...
heee...... sekian

Friday 1 February 2013

februari bulan cinta???

tengok tajok.. haha..
sy bukan nk ckp ape.. tp rmy owg ne kn.. ckp bulan 2 ne.. bulan cinta??? 
ye ke... 

dosa ade lha bnyk.. huh.. 
sbnrnya,.. sy xnk ckp bnyk sbb bnde ne.. kre snstf jgak 
tp sje nk shre kn... 

trutama yg smbut Valentine... 
tw x bnde tu syirik .. ergh

bulan cinta plak.. eh mngarut
Islam ajr kte mnyayangi mncintai  Allah & Rasul NYa setiap Msa.. mnyayangi Keluarge kita setiap msa..
mnyayangi sahabat kita setiap msa, bg yg dh kawen tuh.. setiap msa mnyayangi  psgn msg2.. bukn  buln 2 shj...

Pengalaman beharga

kli ne.. sy nk shre ckit je... sal jga event OCBC cycling hri tu  .. attachment dgn First Ambulance,
sng cte.. kmi d tugaskn utk jga org menunngng & lumbe basikal... haha
ade lha jgak batch len.. tp sy dpt hri ahd.. (20/1)  tp dr  bgun hr sabtu tu.. smpy blek event tuh lam ptg hri ahad... bru dpt tdow.... ade lha 24 jam xtdow.. mnum kopi lha .. tongkat ali la... suma nk nhn ngntowk.. tp smpy2 umh . twuz tdow.. hahhaaa
tp ckup seronok apebila dpt tgk mcm2 gelagat org kt ctu.. ade jgak budak2 yg ekot basikal... yg pling lwak skali.. ade peserta yg bwk basikal yg dihias dgn nenas... ade speaker... karaoke smbil brbasikal...
ade jgak nmpk basikal yg kiut sgt.. kcik jewr.... haha

tp klw dh pnt tu.. mmg ckup pnt ler.. haha

ne sy nk tnjuk kit muke2 ngntowk...